Boost reading confidence with Phonic Books

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Stephanie is a reading specialist in New York and we met with her to discuss how she uses Phonic Books in her classroom. Stephanie works with children who need reading intervention from Kindergarten through to second grade. *** Stephanie has been using Phonic Books for over five years and Magic Belt was the first series…

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One thing that all teachers agree on is how important it is to get children reading

Dandelion World Review

This is a testimonial by Ann Sullivan. Ann has over 30 years’ experience in mainstream and specialist education. Based in the UK, her career includes roles as a KS1 and KS2 class teacher, SEN secondary literacy teacher, school-based Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), an advisory teacher for pupils with special educational needs and a Specialist…

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The Love of Reading

The love of reading - our favourite books

How important is it to cultivate the love of reading in children? Decodable books are an essential part of a structured literacy approach, but they have a specific purpose. They are decodable exercises which students can use to practice the phonics skills they have learned. They are not designed to compete with the huge variety…

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Holiday rereading

Pile of books with coffee cup, writing pad and pen

Over the holidays, we all need to take a break and enjoy time with family and friends. However, amongst the ribbons, reindeer and rejoicing, there may also be space for a little retrospection, reflection, reading… and even rereading. Reading specialist, Miriam Fein, explores the benefits of giving new consideration to an already well thumbed book.…

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Lynbrook leads the way on Long Island

Over the years, it has become apparent that the Reading Workshop/Guided Reading model of instruction, popular in U.S. schools, does not produce the results promised. Special Education numbers have increased, and many children get labeled, unnecessarily, as having a “reading disability.” It is undoubtedly a huge undertaking to put the brakes on and start fresh.…

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Books to engage and motivate older, struggling readers

Older, struggling readers often have gaps in the their phonics knowledge.  They find alternative spellings particularly confusing.  Many suffer from low self-esteem so offering them decodable materials that are age-appropriate is vital.  Vital because if the reading materials can engage the disaffected reader, his/her motivation to try and read will grow.  Without motivation it is…

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